Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Book of Tomorrows

Epiphany of Purpose:
An Inspirational Introduction

Always believing I was meant for something more, the first time I gave some serious thought to my reason for being, after feeling wayward and lost, and living a wasted life, I experienced an epiphany of purpose.  Stimulated by a heightened moment of insightful inspiration (with a little helpful from my friends), I took great comfort in knowing I didn’t veer too far from the fateful path my God Part had inherently set me on, and finally understood my place in this world.  Why I am here.  The answer, one I subconsciously always knew.
I was born to tell A Good Story.

Only after leaving behind the trappings of conventional wisdoms, found in the traditional belief systems on how to live, I could finally clear my mind and learn to think for myself.  I started asking questions about the origins of life, wondering how mankind evolved from the primordial slime that crawled out of the oceans around a billion years ago, and found answers conflicting with the religious faith I was born and raised on. 

The real hypocrisy of truth is simply this.  Most human history is a lie agreed upon, except it doesn’t matter if it’s all based on lies, no matter how fuzzy the math it took to get there.  Because, the one thing we love more than anything in life is A Good Story.  And miraculous tales about a God or Gods are tailor-made from the stuff of good stories, especially with a species obsessed with ‘what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil.’  I just prefer stories that make a little more sense, with some semblance logic and plausible credibility of events to go along with a thrilling, edge-of-your-seat entertainment that hopefully enlightens the mind as well as entertains the body.  I’ve often personally found the best stories are the ones containing some moral life lesson—showing how it’s better to spend your time doing something that serves the whole, as well as the self, instead of just trying to gain as much as you possibly can, because someone once told you whoever dies with the most toys, wins.  That’s just another lie, because in the end, we’re all the same and you really can’t take it with you.
Although there’s been many great creative artists, who have brilliantly crafted visionary futuristic/fantasy films and novels over the years, the one thing that’s always bugged me about all those Road Warrior post-apocalyptic worlds or Logan’s Run dystopian futures is they never tell you how it got that way.  So, instead of complaining about it, I decided to write a foretelling, epic trilogy, which links the characters’ lives together over the next 180 years—much like the legends found throughout the lineage of ancestral Western Civilization—while also presenting a complete, compelling tale of the fall of modern day civilization and the rise of a New America rebuilt on a foundation of knowledge and science with wisdom obtained from a onetime, highly controversial, 21st century novel, called The Book of Tomorrows.

Now, I completely understand the potential controversy that might arise from the written words in the pages of this trilogy.  Or how they may conflict with someone else’s zealously held beliefs, or even bring about a targeted rage from those who wish to express their feelings through means other than using their words.  But, I’m well prepared for these contingencies, and realize by the time I’m done The Book of Tomorrows may very well make the physical threats and furious anger Salman Rushdie experienced after writing the Satanic Verses pale in comparison.  Basically, I’m going to piss off a lot of well-deserving people, and I’d be surprised if someone didn’t threaten my life or even try to kill me.  Not that I want or desire anything like that, but if I don’t ruffle some feathers, it would simply mean I didn’t do my job. 

Our God Part: A Mission Statement Prolouge






Extra, extra,

This just in,

The All Powerful, All Knowing, Omnipresent,

Vengeful God Is Dead.

Long live Our God Part,

Always with us since the day we’re born  

From Yesterday, Today, and Forever Tomorrow


So, don’t waste precious time devoting blind faith to religious dogma,

And follow your god part to your fateful destiny, instead.


Don’t question if yours is the one true faith,

But ask, what’s your fate?

What’s your purpose?

Why are you here?


Don’t deceive yourself with spiritual beliefs thousands of years old.

And find faith in knowing we all have a divine fate, a purpose for being,

Born with an inherent knowledge of Good and Evil,                                                                            

We are equally capable of both.


Originating in our genetic code, this divine gift is what separates us from the beasts that sleep and feed, instilling in us the belief that man was created in the image a higher power—a God to rule and watch over us.  But, it’s really just evidence of our God Part, ingrained in our DNA, making anyone capable of being Gandhi or becoming Hitler.  God exists inside of us, and it’s up to each individual to decide his or her own fate.  Nothing in life is predestined, except its eventual end.


Just always, remember.


Never Be Ashamed of What You Don’t Know, Only What You Refuse to Learn.


Because.  If we don’t start Living Smart, we’re all going to Die Stupid